Friday January 30; my little corner of the front room decorated with Spidey and Nights by the kids.

*Happy Birthday, Joshua!!!

Thursday January 29; Helena wrote her name quite nicely for her homework.

*By the way, this one is super blurry because it's via cell phone.

Wednesday January 28; Helena outside on the way home from school.

I'm sure it's the first of many. The photos exist. One on the cell phone and one on the actual camera. I'd have the camera, but it's in the car. Have you been outside, it's cold out there!

So, tomorrow will get 3 posts. Oh, lucky day.

Tuesday January 27; Helena before school today.

Monday January 26; Ollie's writing his name!

Sunday January 25; Star Wars Episode III, starring Helena as Anakin and Ollie as Count Dooku.

Day Twenty

Saturday January 24; Helena's supposed to be sleeping. Clearly, this is not the case.

Day Nineteen

Friday January 23; Ollie just before we're leaving for his evaluation. He was afraid taking a picture would make us late.

Day Eighteen

Thursday January 22; Ollie making sure his ravioli isn't too hot.

Day Seventeen

Wednesday January 21; Helena in her after-bath fuzziness.

Day Sixteen

Tuesday January 20; Ollie watching President Obama's Inaugural Address.

Day Fifteen

Monday January 19; Ollie looking slightly annoyed that I want to take his picture.

Day Fourteen

Sunday January 18; the kids got fundoodies cards for xmas, and Helena's working on meditating for 10 minutes to earn doodie points.

Day Thirteen

Saturday January 17; Helena & Ollie. It's pretty normal that one of them puts something in the way of a good picture.

Day Twelve

Friday January 16; Helena in mid-spin

Day Eleven

Thursday January 15; meet Ollie, the flying monkey boy

Day Ten

Wednesday January 14; my front room, now cardboard box free

Day Nine

Tuesday January 13; it appears as though Mickey is learning to walk.

Day Eight

Monday January 12; coming home from school. Ollie had just thrown a snowball at Helena's back.

Day Seven

Sunday January 11; me flipping Ollie around.

Day Six

Saturday January 10; Helena playing with her dry-erase calender.

Day Five

Friday January 9; Ollie's sick, but still cool.

Day Four

Thursday January 8; my first washer & dryer.

Day Three

Wednesday January 7; Helena going into school.

Day Two

Tuesday Jaunary 6; Helena at the bottom of the stairs.

Day One

I found out about this idea a wee bit late, but I ran with it anyway.

One picture from each day during 2009.

Monday January 5; Helena and Ollie playing Guess Who Extra.

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